This document was last updated at the 2023 AGM, 5th October 2023
1. Name of Organisation
a. The name of the group shall be ‘Andover Pool Association’, hereinafter referred to as the ‘APA’.
2. Aim
a. Promote the sport of pool to all people in and around the Andover area.
3. Objectives
a. Organising league fixtures for all teams entered and all players registered under those teams.
b. Organising all league competitions throughout the season.
c. Organising social events such as Presentation Night.
4. Affiliation
a. APA will affiliate to the Hampshire Pool Association, which grants automatic affiliation to the EPA.
5. Ruleset
a. The APA will play under the World Pool-Billiards Association (WPA) Blackball Rules.
6. Membership
a. Team registration will take place prior to the commencement of each season at a fee per team payable to the APA.
- i. Membership to the APA is open to anyone. They can play for any team that applies for entry at the start of each season, providing they are not suspended by the APA Committee.
- ii. Pubs, clubs and organisations in the Andover and the surrounding areas with a pool table shall be eligible for membership to the APA, subject to committee approval.
- iii. New team memberships will be placed into the lowest division, this includes teams that have missed more than one whole season.
- 1. A team that was unable to finish the season but wishes to remain in the league the following season will be automatically relegated.
- iv. The Committee have the power to refuse membership to any applicant (individual or pub/club) where it is considered the venue is too far from Andover.
b. Accepting your invitation and registration to the league includes a commitment by the team captain or any designated player to utilize RackEmApp for the purpose of team management and submission of scorecards electronically.
c. By becoming a member, every person is accepting to abide by the rules of the APA constitution set by the committee.
7. Committee
a. The APA Committee will consist of Officers and General Committee Members, who will work as a single unit, and are referred to, in this document as ‘The Committee’. The Officers of the committee shall be:
- i. The Chairperson.
- ii. Vice Chairperson.
- iii. League Secretary.
- iv. Treasurer.
- v. Competition Secretary.
- vi. Webmaster.
b. Standard Elections for Committee Officers and General Committee Members will take place every year at the AGM, following the procedure listed in Appendix A.
- i. All Officers of the Committee must be a previously serving Committee Member of the Andover Pool Association, having served one full term (two seasons).
- ii. In the event of a tied vote, then the chairperson shall have the deciding vote.
- iii. There is no restriction to the number of committee members from any registered team.
- iv. Previously serving Committee members are eligible for re-election.
- v. Only registered players from registered teams will be eligible for election onto the committee. They must remain APA registered throughout their period of office
c. The Committee may remove any Committee Member who misses three meetings without sending apologies, or five meetings with apologies.
d. Amendments to the Committee or the positions within the Committee shall only be changed at an AGM or at a ‘Special’ meeting under extreme and exceptional circumstances, which may be called at the discretion of the Officers of the Committee.
8. Finances
a. Any monies obtained by the APA shall be used only for pool league/competition purposes and for any proposed charity funds.
b. A bank account will be held in the name of ‘Andover Pool Association’ where all monies obtained shall be deposited and accounted for.
c. The treasurer shall try to ensure that the bank account remains in a healthy state and within its budget each fiscal year.
d. This account is a non-profit charity account and requires two signatories on the account.
e. All monies will be managed and banked by one of the two signatories on the account.
f. All outgoing cheques must be signed by one of the two signatories on the account
g. Signatories must be serving Committee Officers, including the Treasurer.
h. The Treasurer is responsible for presenting a statement of accounts at any time when requested by the Committee and at each AGM, where any member can raise discrepancies or queries that they may have.
i. Under no circumstances shall expenditure be paid without a receipt and or invoice being received by the Treasurer.
j. The League will spend money on trophies subject to finances and a budget agreed upon by the Treasurer and/or Committee Members.
9. Team and Player Fees
a. Team Captains are ultimately responsible for the paying of any fees and the onus IS NOT on the venue they play for. It is permitted for teams to get subsidies from the venue, but only if the venue agrees. Fees will be set according to the budget produced for that season by the Treasurer and approved by the committee. If payment is not received in full then any players involved with that team will not be eligible to play in any APA organised competition until payment has been made.
b. A season’s league membership fees will be set by the treasurer prior to the start of the following season. The full amount will be due at the registration meeting.
c. All knockout competition entry fees are as listed:
- i. Singles & Doubles Competition entries fees will be set by the treasurer prior to the start of the following season. These must be paid alongside the league membership fee.
- ii. Team Events (both Knockout and League Cup competitions) are free to enter.d. Fees may be charged for entry into any other competitions organised by the APA and will be stated prior to the event.
e. all website costs will to be paid to the website owner at the end of the season. This reimbursement will be subject to proof of monthly payments to the website administrator.
f. The APA reserves the right to offer discounts or waiver fees to encourage new teams to join the APA, or reduce the monies held by the committee.
10. Registration
a. Registration is managed by the league management software “RackEmApp” and performed online.
b. Team registrations sheets must contain a minimum of four eligible players.
c. An APA player is considered registered to a team after the captain actions their Welcome invitation email to manage their team online.
d. New players may be registered to a team on the day of a League or Cup match, but not for the last league fixture or for Finals Day.
e. The minimum age for a player in the APA is 16 years old. Captains of teams with players under the age of 18 years old must check the rules of the venue.
11. Venues
a. Displayed Items – A Blackball poster should be displayed at each registered venue.
b. Lighting – Teams are required to have adequate lighting over the table.
c. Tables – It is advised that both Captains/Players check the playable condition of the table prior to the start of the match.
- i. If the table is in an unacceptable condition and cannot be rectified on the night, the League or Competition Secretary, dependent upon type of fixture, must be informed and the game rearranged.
- ii. If a table is deemed unplayable once a match has commenced this must be rectified prior to the second frame. Except in exceptional circumstances, complaints regarding the table condition will not be considered after the first game has been completed.
- iii. The APA committee reserve the right to withdraw any venue from the Association if the table has been deemed unplayable for longer than a month without a temporary venue being identified.
12. Committee Meetings
a. The Committee will meet as required to discuss general APA business.
b. The date of the meeting will be set by the Chairperson.
c. All the Committee Members will be notified in a timely manner of the date and time of meeting.
d. A minimum of 5 committee members, including a minimum of 3 officers is required for voting purposes. This shall be undertaken by the showing of hands on a majority basis.
e. If there are, disputes to discuss, APA members and their captain will be required to attend.
f. A copy of the agenda will be sent to all Committee Members prior to the meeting.
g. Meeting minutes are considered the recording taken at the meeting. An abridged version of the Committee Meeting minutes will be made available upon request for members.
h. Type of Committee Meetings
- i. Annual General Meeting. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) will normally be held at the end of the Summer Season.
- 1. Annual General Meeting Agenda
- a. Roll Call and Apologies.
- b. Receiving a report from the chairperson of the league’s activities over the past year.
- c. Receiving a financial report from the treasurer of the past year’s accounts.
- d. Receiving a League secretary’s report.
- e. Receiving a Competition secretary’s report.
- f. Electing committee Officers.
- g. Considering and voting on any proposed rule changes.
- h. Discussing new teams and members who have applied for membership.
- i. Considering any other matters that may be appropriate.
- 2. Annual General Meeting Constitution Amendments and Proposals
- a. Proposals must be made by a registered player from the APA.
- b. Any new proposal’s to be raised at the AGM must be received in writing by a Committee Officer prior to the AGM.
- c. Proposals will be reviewed by the Committee, prior to consideration at the AGM.
- d. No proposals will be discussed without the proposer being present at the AGM.
- e. A vote will be conducted on any proposal at the AGM, with the Chairperson having the deciding vote if required.
- f. All Proposals voted in are, where possible, to be brought in with immediate effect the coming Winter Season.
- g. The voting at the AGM will follow the process below:
- i. Each team must be represented by at least one member.
- ii. No member may represent more than one team.
- iii. Each member of the Association, present at the AGM, will be allowed one vote on all motions debated.
- 1. Annual General Meeting Agenda
- ii. Extraordinary General Meeting. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the APA may be called by a minimum of 51% of the Committee. A written request stating the reason why and signed by the raising Committee members shall be put in writing, to the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson or League Secretary.
- iii. The Officers of the APA upon receiving a request to call an EGM will give a minimum of 3 days’ notice, to all APA members with an agreed date for the EGM and the reason for the meeting. This will also be published on the website.
- iv. S At the EGM, any member of the APA can request that the Committee give a full account of any action taken by the Committee.
13. Matches
a. Matches are to be played between two teams/players as per the fixtures published on the APA Website, via RackEmApp.
b. A team must comprise of a minimum of four registered players for that team.
c. The minimum age for a player in the APA is 16. Teams with players under the age of 18 should gain consent from the home team’s venue staff prior to the match.
d. Team matches will start at 8.00pm, and no later than 8.30pm with prior arrangement between the captains.
- i. Frames can be claimed for every 10 minutes a team is late, with the first frame dockable at 8.10.
e. The match consists of three sets. Five Singles, followed by two scotch doubles, followed by a further five Singles. The Away Team order changes in the third Set, as denoted by the instructions on the electronic score card. Teams consisting of less than five players must fill player positions one four.
- i. Players may confer in between shots (Scotch Doubles only). Those not playing in the frame may NOT Coach.
f. Substitutions are permissible for the second set of singles. Therefore, not all players who featured in the set one singles must play the set two singles. However, a player who has already played in the first set, (example, player one in first set), cannot move to another position (becoming player two in the third set).
g. The entry of the five players contesting the first set must be registered in RackEmApp by 8.00pm.
h. The first five players must be available to play their frame, before the previous frame is completed. Failure to do so will result in loss of frame.
i. Players not involved in the first set but competing in the second set must be in the venue before the end of the first set.
j. Players not involved in the first or second set but competing in the third set must be in the venue before the end of the second set.
k. No changes to the playing order are allowed after initial entry without agreement from the opposition Captain. If changes occur without consent, the opposition Captain has the right to dispute the result.
l. All matches should be finished on the match night unless circumstances dictate otherwise e.g., the proprietor closes the venue.
m. Unfinished matches must be played to completion at the original venue within 21 days and by the same players listed on the card.
n. The first players of the teams on the scorecard will lag for break for the first frame. Following the first frame, alternate teams/players break on the subsequent frames.
o. The Home team will provide the referees and timekeepers (the timing device stopwatch or mobile) and where required the monies for the matches to be played.
- i. A single person may be the referee and the timekeeper.
14. Referees and Rules
a. The referee is charged with ensuring that the game is played within the rules and to administer the rules in a fair and unbiased manner.
b. All referees must be conversant with the rules. This applies to all players. It is the responsibility of the captains to ensure that this is the case.
c. Home teams are to referee all team games. Singles and Doubles Knock-out Cup Matches will not normally be refereed, until the Semi-Final stages (Except team competitions) where the committee are responsible for ensuring that a referee is present.
d. To increase the competency of referees and to train new referees a Captain, with the permission of the opposing Captain may designate a player to stand as final adjudicator to assist a referee who may not be too sure of the rules. This person’s function is purely to override the referee when an obvious mistake is made.
15. Electronic Scorecards
a. All league scoring is performed in RackEmApp.
b. Both captains are responsible for ensure the playing order and score is maintained correctly via the frame approval system.
c. The first set of players should be entered by both teams on RackEmApp before 8pm.
16. Disputes
a. If a player feels the decision taken by a referee was not in accordance with either the rules or the spirit of the game, the player can ask for the opinion of the timekeeper (second referee) if a separate timekeeper has been nominated. If the player is satisfied with the final decision, the game should be allowed to continue.
b. If the Captain is not satisfied and wants to take the matter further, they must inform the opposing Captain that a complaint will be lodged and immediately inform the League/Competition Secretary or Officer of the situation. The League/Competition Secretary must receive the complaint within one week of the game.
c. If there is a dispute over the results, the table or the playing of the game, the dispute option should be utilized in RackEmApp, as failure to do so forfeits any right to appeal against the result. The party that disputes the result shall enter the necessary details into the RackEmApp Dispute form and tis will be sent to the committee for investigation.
d. The Committee will then invite a representative from each team to the next Committee Meeting, where the matter can be discussed, and the outcome decided.
e. Teams/players who wish to leave a venue owing to a dispute or disagreement before the match is completed, must contact the League Secretary or any other Officer.
f. Teams/players who leave a venue owing to a dispute or disagreement before the match is completed, and do not contact the League/Competition Secretary or any other Officer will forfeit the result.
17. Cancellations
a. Cancellations must be requested in writing to the League Secretary, with requests to be decided on a case-by-case basis. The League Secretary will decide the timeframe to play the fixture, or whether the team cancelled upon can claim the fixture.
b. A team must give a minimum of 24 hours’ notice to the oppositions Captain and the League Secretary when postponing a fixture.
- i. Failure to do so will result in the loss of the match, a deduction of three points and the awarding of a 12-0 win for the opposition.
c. If a date cannot be agreed the League Secretary will intervene to try and agree a date.
- i. Failure to agree a date will result in the non-cancelling team being awarded three points and a 12-0 win.
d. The Committee decision is final.
18. Player Transfers / New Signings / Deregistering
a. Each team is entitled to sign as many non-registered players as they see fit, with a maximum after the initial registration, of four additional players being signed on for the season and no more than two on any one night.
b. A point deduction per player will be issued after four new signings.
c. No player will be allowed to transfer after the first half of the season, being defined as the completion of the last game of the first half of fixtures.
d. The de-registering of a player is allowed but cannot be done without consultation with the League Secretary. Once de-registered, the team involved will be able to sign on another player. Once registered, this player cannot be de-registered.
e. Teams can de-register and sign on no more than two replacements per season. This is in addition to the four signings per season.
f. A de-registered player will be unable to play pool for the rest of the season for any APA registered team unless agreed by the APA Committee.
g. Any team playing a deregistered player will be considered to have brought the game or the Association into disrepute and will be dealt with most severely.
h. All cases relating to de-registered players will be addressed on a case-by-case basis by the Committee.
i. No players can be signed on after the completion of the penultimate game of that teams League season.
19. League.
a. No League Fixtures can be played after the last League fixture of the Season.
b. All results should be submitted and approved by both captains in RackEmApp within 24 hours of match completion.
c. Any results not submitted and approved by the 24-hour period will automatically lose 1 point.
d. Three points are awarded for a win, one point each for a draw, with no points for a loss.
e. At the end of the Season should the League be tied; League winners will be decided on frame difference. If frame difference is equal, head-to-head results will decide. If head-to-head is tied, it will be decided by a team play-off at a neutral venue. This is the responsibility of the League Secretary to arrange, with Committee members refereeing.
f. If a team fail to turn up on a match night for three matches in a season without notice, they will have deemed to resign themselves from the league.
20. Withdrawing from the League Competition.
a. If a team withdraws from the League Competition before the halfway stage, all results against the team are cancelled. The fixture against the team is to be considered a ‘Bye’ for the whole season.
b. If a team withdraws after the halfway point all results up to the halfway point will stand, all remaining fixtures will be considered a ‘Bye’ for the rest of the season.
c. Players will be allowed to transfer to another team, as a ‘free agent’, dependent on individual circumstances, subject to Committee approval.
21. Competitions
a. The APA may run the following competition each season, and/or any other Competitions proposed and agreed by the Association, dependent on entries:
- i. Men’s’ Singles.
- ii. Singles Trophy (Divisions 2 & 3 only).
- iii. Ladies’ Singles.
- iv. Captains’ Cup.
- v. Doubles.
- vi. Mixed Doubles.
- vii. Scotch Doubles.
- viii. Team Knockout A Cup (Premier and Division 1 only).
- ix. Team Knockout B Cup (Divisions 2 and 3 only).
- x. League Cup.
- xi. Veterans’ Cup.
a. All Competitions to be played to the rules denoted in section 5.
b. The Competition Secretary will decide exact Competition formats each season and communicate this with the Committee.
c. The Competition and League Secretary will agree TKO competition dates and advise the Committee. Both teams / individuals are responsible for making contact – no contact will result in both parties being eliminated.
d. The winning teams / players must submit their results by the time stipulated. Failure to do so will mean expulsion.
e. All payments for Competitions must be received in full at registration night. Entry fees are non- returnable
f. Competitions are only open to APA registered players.
g. The Competition Secretary will organise Finals Day to be played at a suitable venue and where possible, in rotation with other venues. Once confirmed this will be communicated to the Committee.
h. Players from different teams can play together in the Mixed Doubles.
i. For preliminary or first round Doubles matches only, a partner can be changed when required and a replacement can only be sought from the same team and, they must not be cup tied.
j. All Finals must be played on Finals Day, if not before. Any Final that cannot be played will be subject to the decision of the Competition Secretary and where required, the APA Committee.
22. Complaints / Disciplinary procedure
a. Complaints Procedure.
- i. All grievances / complaints must be made to the relevant Committee Secretary in email / text within 7 days of the event. The complaint must contain the following information.
- 1. Date of complaint.
- 2. Place of incident.
- 3. Name of individuals the complaint is against.
- 4. Nature of the complaint.
- 5. Any witnesses to the event.
- ii. A disciplinary hearing will be called at the earliest opportunity to deal with the complaint.
b. Disciplinary Procedure
- i. The hearing will be led by the chairperson of the league, if the chairperson must recuse themselves the vice chair will replace them.
- ii. Those involved will be asked to attend a committee meeting to explain their side of the complaint.
- 1. There MUST be a minimum of 3 Officers and 50% of the General Committee members for any disciplinary.
- 2. Any committee officer / member involved or a witness for a complaint must recuse themselves from the vote until the investigation is complete.
- 3. Committee Members may not vote on Complaints that directly involves their teams.
- 4. If a committee member is the focus of the complaint, then they will be suspended from the committee until the conclusion of the disciplinary.
- iii. Both parties will give their side of events.
- iv. Both parties will leave the meeting room for the committee to discuss the course of action.
- v. Once a decision has been made by the committee both parties will be invited back to have the committee decision explained to them.
- vi. The Committee Decision is final.
* Any person found guilty of physical violence (unless self-defence) or abusive behaviour WILL be banned from the APA.
23. Anti-Social Behaviour
a. Any player or team can expect to be dealt with most severely by the Committee if they:
- i. Wilfully break or flaunt the Association Rules.
- ii. Offer violence, threats of violence, or harassment to the referee or other players.
- iii. Bringing the Game or the Association into disrepute.
24. Other General Guidelines
a. The APA has supplied equipment for Competitions, as required these are the Competition Secretary’s responsibility and their safe return or monies in forfeit at the end of their tenure.
b. A constitution should be a living document, and that means it may need to be changed and updated as your Association progresses and as such these rules may be altered, added to, or revoked by a majority comprising two- thirds or more of the committee members present and entitled to vote. Any changes to the constitution of the Andover Pool Association will be given due notice to its members specifying the intention to propose the alteration, addition, or revocation together with details of the proposed change.
Annex A
Procedure for Elections of Committee Members.
1. The current Chairperson steps down.
2. The Vice Chairperson or designated person takes over and will invite the just retired Chairperson to stand for their position again, the Vice Chairperson or designated person will also accept nominations for the position of Chairperson.
3. The newly elected Chairperson will take over proceedings and will ask all the other Officers to step down.
4. The Chairperson will invite the just retired Officers to stand for their positions again and request invites or nominations for Officer’s positions on the Committee for the forthcoming year (winter and summer Seasons).
5. Once the Officer positions have been filled and the General Committee Members have accepted or declined their positions back on the Committee, proposals will be considered for further General Committee Member places.
6. All Officers of the Committee must be a previously serving Committee Member of the Andover Pool Association, having served one full term (two seasons).
7. A Member of the Association must second any member wishing to stand, the person proposed must explain what they will bring to the position and that they can comfortably complete the role as described in the job description.
8. Where more than one member is standing for a position, the position will be decided by a majority vote. In the event of a tied vote the chairperson will cast the deciding vote, if the vote of the chairperson is tied the vice chair will have the deciding vote.
9. Any Member of the Association can be proposed for a position on the Committee at least 14 days in advance of the AGM.
10. Decisions taken by the Committee are final.
Annex B
The main duties of the Officers of the League are as follows:
1. Chairperson’s Duties.
- a. Chair all meetings and Disciplinary Hearings.
- b. Compile meeting agendas.
- c. Co-ordinate Committee Members.
- d. Consult with affiliated County and National bodies.
- e. Casting vote holder if required.
- f. An APA account signatory.
- g. Maintains ownership of the Association Constitution and its interpretation.
- h. To ensure that the main objectives of the League are achieved.
2. Vice-Chairperson’s Duties
- a. To stand in for the Chairperson when called upon to do so, as detailed above.
3. Treasurer’s Duties
- a. To maintain the League Accounts and to keep an updated record of all added income as advised by the League Secretary.
- b. Issue receipts for all income.
- c. Obtain receipts for all expenditure.
- d. To present an annual Balance Sheet to the AGM.
- e. An APA account signatory.
4. League Secretary’s Duties
- a. Manage the administration and use of the league management software “RackEmApp”.
- b. To formulate and agree the League Schedule.
- c. Collation of all registrations pertaining to league play.
- d. Processing of league match results were not managed by RackEmApp
- e. To maintain electronic records of teams and registered players in RackEmApp.
- f. To share responsibility with the Treasurer to collect all monies for the League from whatever source.
- g. To inform the Chairperson of any disputes and inform team Captains and/or players of the date of any meetings called to settle such disputes.
- h. To take minutes at Committee meetings, which may be a recording.
- i. To process all new registrations and transfers.
- j. Monitor and produce proposals for league and constitutional changes.
- k. Ensure all captains are prepared and able to utilise RackEmApp to manage their teams and process scorecards.
- l. Maintains:
- i. APA correspondence.
- ii. A record of League and APA staged events (Cups, Tournaments, etc).
- iii. The League history.
5. Competitions Secretary’s Duties
- a. Collation of all registrations pertaining to competition play.
- b. To set all tournament dates and venues and issue such information to team Captains.
- c. To inform the Chairperson of any disputes and inform team Captains and/or players of the date of any meetings called to settle such disputes.
- d. To ensure all draws are made on time.
6. Webmasters Duties
- a. To update the web site, when forwarded updates from the League and Competition Secretaries