Group A
Pos Entry P W L D F A FD Points
1 Ronnie Couzens 15 14 1 0 179 123 56 59
2 Joe Saunders 15 11 4 0 162 131 31 53
3 Ashley Taylor 15 10 5 0 162 138 24 52
4 Jason Garrett 15 7 8 0 162 141 21 51
5 Tristram Tomlinson 15 9 6 0 160 144 16 51
6 Sean Britchford 15 8 7 0 156 134 22 50
7 Clint Smith 15 8 7 0 156 144 12 50
8 Cheryl Dickinson 15 8 7 0 159 151 8 50
9 Mario Singleton 15 8 7 0 157 155 2 50
10 Liam Chapman 15 7 8 0 148 159 -11 47
11 Harley Walters 15 6 9 0 145 159 -14 46
12 Luke Binder-Pollard 15 7 8 0 143 155 -12 45
13 Ben Coxen 15 4 11 0 132 160 -28 41
14 Mark Clayson 15 5 10 0 126 164 -38 39
15 Alan Marshall 15 3 12 0 123 171 -48 38
16 Aaron Cairns 15 5 10 0 117 158 -41 37
Match 1
Schedule Race To 12
Mario Singleton Ronnie Couzens
Luke Binder-Pollard Harley Walters
Jason Garrett Ashley Taylor
Clint Smith Mark Clayson
Cheryl Dickinson Sean Britchford
Ben Coxen Tristram Tomlinson
Alan Marshall Joe Saunders
Aaron Cairns Liam Chapman
Match 2
Schedule Race To 12
Tristram Tomlinson Jason Garrett
Sean Britchford Mario Singleton
Ronnie Couzens Clint Smith
Mark Clayson Ben Coxen
Liam Chapman Cheryl Dickinson
Joe Saunders Luke Binder-Pollard
Harley Walters Aaron Cairns
Ashley Taylor Alan Marshall
Match 3
Schedule Race To 12
Mario Singleton Liam Chapman
Luke Binder-Pollard Ashley Taylor
Joe Saunders Harley Walters
Jason Garrett Mark Clayson
Clint Smith Sean Britchford
Cheryl Dickinson Aaron Cairns
Ben Coxen Ronnie Couzens
Alan Marshall Tristram Tomlinson
Match 4
Schedule Race To 12
Tristram Tomlinson Luke Binder-Pollard
Sean Britchford Ben Coxen
Ronnie Couzens Jason Garrett
Mark Clayson Alan Marshall
Liam Chapman Clint Smith
Harley Walters Cheryl Dickinson
Ashley Taylor Joe Saunders
Aaron Cairns Mario Singleton
Match 5
Schedule Race To 12
Mario Singleton Cheryl Dickinson
Luke Binder-Pollard Mark Clayson
Joe Saunders Tristram Tomlinson
Jason Garrett Sean Britchford
Clint Smith Aaron Cairns
Ben Coxen Liam Chapman
Ashley Taylor Harley Walters
Alan Marshall Ronnie Couzens
Match 6
Schedule Race To 12
Tristram Tomlinson Ashley Taylor
Sean Britchford Alan Marshall
Ronnie Couzens Luke Binder-Pollard
Mark Clayson Joe Saunders
Liam Chapman Jason Garrett
Harley Walters Mario Singleton
Cheryl Dickinson Clint Smith
Aaron Cairns Ben Coxen
Match 7
Schedule Race To 12
Tristram Tomlinson Harley Walters
Luke Binder-Pollard Sean Britchford
Joe Saunders Ronnie Couzens
Jason Garrett Aaron Cairns
Clint Smith Mario Singleton
Ben Coxen Cheryl Dickinson
Ashley Taylor Mark Clayson
Alan Marshall Liam Chapman
Match 8
Schedule Race To 12
Sean Britchford Joe Saunders
Ronnie Couzens Ashley Taylor
Mark Clayson Tristram Tomlinson
Mario Singleton Ben Coxen
Liam Chapman Luke Binder-Pollard
Harley Walters Clint Smith
Cheryl Dickinson Jason Garrett
Aaron Cairns Alan Marshall
Match 9
Schedule Race To 12
Tristram Tomlinson Ronnie Couzens
Mark Clayson Harley Walters
Luke Binder-Pollard Aaron Cairns
Joe Saunders Liam Chapman
Jason Garrett Mario Singleton
Ben Coxen Clint Smith
Ashley Taylor Sean Britchford
Alan Marshall Cheryl Dickinson
Match 10
Schedule Race To 12
Sean Britchford Tristram Tomlinson
Ronnie Couzens Mark Clayson
Mario Singleton Alan Marshall
Liam Chapman Ashley Taylor
Harley Walters Ben Coxen
Clint Smith Jason Garrett
Cheryl Dickinson Luke Binder-Pollard
Aaron Cairns Joe Saunders
Match 11
Schedule Race To 12
Tristram Tomlinson Liam Chapman
Ronnie Couzens Harley Walters
Mark Clayson Sean Britchford
Luke Binder-Pollard Mario Singleton
Joe Saunders Cheryl Dickinson
Jason Garrett Ben Coxen
Ashley Taylor Aaron Cairns
Alan Marshall Clint Smith
Match 12
Schedule Race To 12
Sean Britchford Ronnie Couzens
Mario Singleton Joe Saunders
Liam Chapman Mark Clayson
Harley Walters Jason Garrett
Clint Smith Luke Binder-Pollard
Cheryl Dickinson Ashley Taylor
Ben Coxen Alan Marshall
Aaron Cairns Tristram Tomlinson
Match 13
Schedule Race To 12
Tristram Tomlinson Cheryl Dickinson
Sean Britchford Harley Walters
Ronnie Couzens Liam Chapman
Mark Clayson Aaron Cairns
Joe Saunders Clint Smith
Ashley Taylor Mario Singleton
Alan Marshall Jason Garrett
Match 14
Schedule Race To 12
Mario Singleton Tristram Tomlinson
Liam Chapman Sean Britchford
Jason Garrett Luke Binder-Pollard
Harley Walters Alan Marshall
Clint Smith Ashley Taylor
Cheryl Dickinson Mark Clayson
Ben Coxen Joe Saunders
Aaron Cairns Ronnie Couzens
Match 15
Schedule Race To 12
Tristram Tomlinson Clint Smith
Sean Britchford Aaron Cairns
Ronnie Couzens Cheryl Dickinson
Mark Clayson Mario Singleton
Luke Binder-Pollard Alan Marshall
Liam Chapman Harley Walters
Joe Saunders Jason Garrett
Ashley Taylor Ben Coxen
Match 13
Schedule Race To 12
table 22   Thu 16 Nov 2023
table 22
Luke Binder-Pollard Ben Coxen