Committee meeting notes 13.03.24 

These are the notes from the recent committee meeting. 

League cup issues 
We faced some issues with games trying to be rescheduled in the League Cup. It was 
discussed at length. We want to just let everyone know that cup games apart from finals 
are to be played on the date set. No cup games are to be rescheduled. This rule was put 
in place to stop teams gaming matches when key players were not available. Captains 
are also reminded that there is a ‘poster’ section on the app that shows all fixtures for the 
year ahead. 

All league fixtures are currently up to date. We have a spare week on 24th April if we need 
to rearrange any league games but this would ideally be kept spare so we can play the 
next round of the Danny Martin cup that week as there is fixture congestion due to the 
amount of teams that entered the league. The only outstanding fixture is the League Cup 
plate final. Toby/Woodzy to arrange a date to be played.

Singles was discussed at length. There will be two comps to accommodate different 
ability levels based on stats. Please see the flyer for details.

The two individual leagues A and B will have two ‘League winners’. The two leagues will 
then be split into three ‘playoffs’ based on points at end of year - Advanced, Intermediate, 
Beginner. Information on what team is in what level playoff will be kept a secret from 
teams to stop gaming and people throwing matches. The playoffs will be announced after 
the last game of the season has been played (17th April) draws will be made and the 
plays off start 8th May. This format was brought in to give all teams a chance of winning 
something at end of season based on their teams ability after all league matches were 

Presentation Night - Saturday 13th July 
The committee has a shortlist of venues that are suitable to hold the presentation night. 
We would like a vote from each captain as to where they would like to hold the night. One 
vote per captain to be sent privately to me, captains can NOT vote for their own venue…

Crown & Anchor
Sporting green
The Lion
The Whitehouse
Old Hall Tavern

There will be a bar tab at the presentation night for every team who has won or come 
runner up in something this year. The money for this will be decided once a small 
commemorative trophy for some categories has been brought.


League A winner
League A runner up
League B winner
League B runner up
League cup winner
League cup runner up
League cup plate winner
League cup plate runner up
Danny Martin winner
Danny Martin runner up
Danny Martin plate winner
Danny Martin plate runner up
Advanced playoff winner/Runner up
Intermediate playoff winner/Runner up
Beginner playoff winner/Runner u

Next season
Sign on open from 12/08/2024
League starts 11/09/2024

Captains meeting 
AGM/Captains meeting to be held 3rd July 2024 @ Ponders End WMC 19:30
Feedback forms will be sent out in advance and a schedule of matters arising will be 
distributed. There will be an opportunity for committee members to stand down or be 
voted in.